Life Goes On

jason vs the world
Monday, Jun. 07, 2004 - 8:10 p.m.
An amusing entry from one of my favourite diaries.


Makes you think
Monday, Jun. 07, 2004 - 9:50 a.m.
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."

President Dwight D. Eisenhower

April 16, 1953



Thanks Dallas
Monday, Jun. 07, 2004 - 9:46 a.m.
"Love, sex, friendship, and marriage are 4 things with absolutely no connection to each other."
-- Marcello Mastroianni
Newton's Third
Monday, Jun. 07, 2004 - 7:04 a.m.
* moves and winces in pain *

Okay okay so all of you out there who aren't getting sex for whatever reason, can you remove the pins from the voodoo doll please?

It's not my fault if you're too tired, too frigid, too shy or too married to get the great sex that I'm getting. You cannot blame me for the low to non-existent libido of your partner or the unavailability of worthwhile partners to relieve your excitement. I swear it isn't my fault.

Regardless, I'm being punished. I woke up this morning with the worst case of 'shaggers back' I've ever had. It's a sharp, stabbing pain in my lower, left side. Sure, it could be my office chair or the way I've slept (even though I haven't changed my bed or my chair in over three years) but honestly, you must admit - it's far more likely to be the 5 sex sessions I've had in the last 48 hours. It's the penalty I pay for choosing a young, energetic partner.

* sighs and adjusts the heat pack *


Thankyou Mr P.
Sunday, Jun. 06, 2004 - 4:11 p.m.
I just wanted to kiss him goodbye. We had been playing all weekend. Sometimes we played for him and sometimes we played for her, but regardless, they both had fun. So when i thought she couldn't want more, and he was leaving, I decided I would just give him a quick kiss goodbye. Problem is, one taste of him - one lick, one morsel - and I had to have more. He is like chocolate. Once he was on my lips, near my lips, invading my tongue with his presence, I wanted him. Just when I thought I wouldn't need him again, the desire rose from the sigh in my throat all the way down my freshly showered body. So I had more of him. I took him into my mouth and rolled him around like a piece of chocolate, tasting every side and pushing the taste into every crevice. I used my tongue to show my appreciation of all the times he played her way. Further and deeper I tasted him. He rocked in and out, enjoying the attention, generating a wetness which matched my freshly showered body. Eventually, he could take it no longer. He insisted that she play her way and he once again spoilt her - playing, giving, building, satisfying.


I <3 the JFF
Saturday, Jun. 05, 2004 - 7:58 p.m.
All day I've had the JFF. For those who don't know this acronym it stands for "Just Fucked Feeling".

You know how it is - sometimes you can have sex, and it's good 'n all - but it's just a part of your day or an hour later you've forgotten that you had sex.

Well the JFF is both a physical fatigue and a headspace consumption where you can't function because you can't stop thinking about the fuck you had an hour, a day, a week ago.

So anyway, T came around last night unexpectedly. We talked and caught up and did some computer stuff and then ... mmmmmmm. Now to all my friends that criticise my selection of a fuck buddy who is nine years younger than me - this is why. We screwed so hard and for so long and then we literally fell fast asleep. He finally woke up at 3.45am and went home.

I was dragged out of bed by David early this morning to go to Blockbuster Video. I felt like I'd run a marathon and I couldn't stop thinking about the fucking last night! I've had the JFF feeling all day.

* sighs contentedly *


What is a Crocodile?
Thursday, Jun. 03, 2004 - 3:02 p.m.
Actual essay by a Grade 5 student in South Africa
Name: Christiaan Janse van Vuuren
Date: Maandag 22/05/2000

What is a Crocodile?

The crokodile is a specially built so long because the flatter the better swimmer. At the front of the crocodile is the head. The head exists almost only of teeth. Behind the crocodile the tail grows. Between the head and the tail is the crocodile. A crocodile without a tail is called a rotwieler. A crocodile's body is covered with handbag material. He can throw his tail off if he gets a fright but it doesn't happen much because a crocodile is scared of nothing. A crocodile stays under the water because if you were so ugly, you would also stay under the water.

It is good that a crocodile stays under the water, because a person gets such a big fright if a crocodile catches you that he first has to rinse you off before he can eat you. A crocodile isn't hardly as dangerous as people say he is, except if he catches you. The longer he bites you, the more it hurts. Very old crocodiles suck their people and buck that they catch dead.

If you eat him, he is a crocosatie. A crocodile did not learn to swim with his arms so he uses his tail. The little brother of the crocodile is a lizard. The slow sister of the crocodile is a chameleon. The gay brother of the crocodile is a daffodil. And the crocodile also has a dead brother the frikkidel.


Lecture Blurb
Thursday, Jun. 03, 2004 - 1:37 p.m.
Handwritten at 11.00am


I'm living on adrenalin and caffeine. I imagine this is what speed must feel like - I'm yawning but my eyes are wide open, my mind is sprinting and my nerves are wriggling under my skin. I just wrote a mini-exam and will then attend my last two lectures for this semester.

I have an assignment due this afternoon, another one due tomorrow and then two due on Monday.

I'm apparently seeing T this weekend which will be great. I think he's coming around on Saturday night. David is having a friend sleepover and then he will go over there on Sunday. I have therefore planned to study Friday night and Saturday.

I cannot believe how quickly this semester has gone. I'm really not confident that I will pass everything (or anything for that matter). University just got much harder this year and it's hard to stay focused when I'm being offered fulltime paid work. I don't want to be one of those who changed to part-time study so that I can work and end up never finishing.

This lecture is physically painful. Stupid lecturer is giving a summary of the semester's work. Fancy diagrams and slides full of words - I thought a summary was supposed to be clear and concise!! * bangs head repeatedly on chair in front *

I can't stop yawning which is giving me a headache. I don't think I can stop whinging either! Sorry 'bout that. End of semester is a suckful time - second only to exam time which starts in a week - woot.

Last couple of nights I have been chatting on messenger with T and invited some of the girls from Uni into the conversation. The other night T also invited his friend S. It feels really weird to integrate the two halves of my life. Usually, my Uni life and my sex life are completely separate (aside from that awkward moment when that lecturer .... ).

WE are going to see Harry Potter, Prisoner of Azakaban on Thursday which is the first day it comes out in Queensland. It was always my favourite of the five books.

OOOHHH.. I just heard the lecturer say "... I cannot imagine an exam for this subject which does not have at least one question on BFR". * Adds BFR to study list *.

Went to my DB Consultancy yesterday. It's a very interesting system to develop - quite complicated - and I think I'll need some external advice on the right design. The owner of the business was in my Access Course a couple of weeks ago - late 30's, single - so I guess I should check that he really does want a database and isn't just using it as an excuse to see me! :)

* Looks at wall clock *

I really feel like screaming out "Get to the exam format fuckhead!". I'm sure everyone else who's yawning would appreciate it.

I truly hate it when lecturers get caught up in their pet topics and rave on about them trying to spread the enthusiasm. We've already covered all of this work during semester but he's going over it again. We have ten minutes left and he hasn't discussed the exam yet. Stupid people annoy me.
