Life Goes On

Tuesday, Jun. 29, 2004 - 1:47 a.m.

Gone On Holidays!! Back 03 July 2004.

Last Exam and T Update
Tuesday, Jun. 29, 2004 - 1:29 a.m.
So the semester is over and I got some more good news today. The lecturer for the subject that I deferred the exam told me today that if I redo the assignments before I re-write my exam then he would 'look favourably' upon me passing the unit! Yippee!

The exam wasn't too horrendous - exactly what I was expecting and I'm fairly sure that I have passed it. It was great to catch up with all the girls (Jess, Jodie, Rachel, Rachael) and we talked about what subjects we're doing next semester.

I was completely spoilt tonight by T! He came around after work tonight - I know he was really tired because he started work early to test a new machine - but he came over and relaxed and watched TV and chilled out. After I put David to bed we ate icecream (which he bought) on the lounge room floor and then we had a shower. When we got out the shower, David's bedroom door was open! He called out to me saying "I just got up to get my blanket because I was cold". After I dried and dressed I went in to see him and he said that he was annoyed because I had lied to him about T and I being just friends when it was obvious that we were "friends" (with the quotation marks!). He did, however, say that he was okay with T and I being "friends", he just didn't appreciate me lying to him.

So anyway after all that T and I played and talked and played some more and then talked and eventually he went home to sleep. I told him to think about stuff for the five days that I'm away and that it's his decision if we resume contact when I get back. I'm really enjoying spending time with him but .. you know.. gotta be realistic. * shrug *

Can I just say that T always gives one hundred percent. Effort, honesty, compassion, tenderness, humour, intelligence - every bit he has. He does nothing by halves. Thanks T.


Exam then Pack for Holidays!
Monday, Jun. 28, 2004 - 11:25 a.m.
About to go in for my last exam for the semester. This subject is the only one I feel confident about passing - Information System Modelling. I have attended all lectures and tutorials and done well in the assignments so hopefully the exam won't be too bad.

Off to the coast tomorrow for a five day break! Mum is still in a weird mood - I think it's to do with money. She can't stand the idea of not being able to control me with money and the closer I get to completing my degree (and being financially independent) the less confident she becomes of keeping me close.

T is hopefully coming around tonight so that we can spend some time together before I disappear for five days. Under normal circumstances I probably wouldn't have seen him before the weekend anyway so it's just an excuse to get some lovin' before I go. * Giggle * He suggested I take BOB with me to the coast - omg! It's hard enough to 'play' quietly when I'm staying with my parents ... I can't imagine trying to muffle the vibrations under a pillow!

Sometimes a 'holiday' can be more hassle than it's worth. I'm just thinking about everything I have to do before leaving for the coast, plus everything I have to pack. It would almost be more relaxing to stay home. I guess there is the added advantage of walking along the beach and my Dad is bound to take the boys climbing up a mountain somewhere so that will be a break for me. I would really like to leave my house clean so that I have less to do on return. I guess also it's about creating memories for the kids. I remember spending holidays at the beach in South Africa - they were fantastic times! I can't imagine they were much fun for my grandparents - the beach house we went to had no electricity - a gas fridge, wood stove and candles for night-time - so really it would have been horrendous trying to cook and wash clothes etc. Thing is, my brother and I just remember swimming, playing, laughing, building castles out of playing cards, running around, loving life. That's what childhood should be about because God knows life is hard enough when you become an adult.

I hope that for every positive childhood memory I create for David, it will erase one of his bad ones.


From 10 Things
Saturday, Jun. 26, 2004 - 10:08 p.m.
Artist: Semisonic Lyrics
Song: F. N. T. Lyrics

Fascinating new thing
You delight me
And I know you're speaking of me
Fascinating new thing
Get beside me
I want you to love me
I'm surprised that you've never been told before
That you're lovely and you're perfect
And that somebody wants you

Fascinating new thing
The scene makin'
Want a temporary saviour
Fascinating new thing
Don't betray them
By becoming familiar
I'm surprised that you've never been told before
That you're lovely and you're perfect
And that somebody wants you
I'm surprised that you've never been told before
That you're priceless and you're precious
Even when you are not new


IT Problem
Saturday, Jun. 26, 2004 - 2:58 p.m.
Cynicism, Pessimism, Parents
Saturday, Jun. 26, 2004 - 2:27 p.m.
Well I am nearing the end of this uni semester - only one exam to go. I am not expecting to pass all of the four subjects I am doing this semester. I stupidly took on too many subjects and it was a bad combination - 2 x programming plus 1 x Maths based. The other one I will definately pass.

T came over last night and we had a great time. I have a new lounge room too thanks to the generosity of Australia's welfare system. T came over, bought David and I some dinner and after David went to bed, T and I watched some TV, surfed the net and then went to bed. :D

I rang my Mother this morning. She is staying in a holiday house at the coast for two weeks. I'm going up to see her on Tuesday - taking David (obviously) and Paulette's son Corey. It will be a relaxing way to celebrate end of semester and will hopefully de-stress me in time for second semester.

Thing is, Mum said on the phone today that she isn't really enjoying the holiday house and that she might go home early - leaving me there for the rest of the week with the two boys. I'm not sure what's really behind her saying that - it's just weird because normally she loves her break away. I know that they have recently committed themselves into more debt and have less disposable income - perhaps she is missing the ability to wander around the large shopping centre getting retail therapy? I dunno. I have no problems with being there with the two boys - it's a couple of minutes walk to the beach and very quiet so it will still be a great break. I guess the paranoia is kicking in and I'm beginning to wonder if she just doesn't want to be around me! Maybe as I get stronger and she is less able to manipulate me, her interest in me wanes?

I think I am the most cynical, pessimistic person I know.
