Life Goes On

Wednesday, Feb. 04, 2004 - 9:19 p.m.
Answer to F Question

There are 6, although you probably only counted 3. (I did!)


Lost in Translation
Wednesday, Feb. 04, 2004 - 2:38 p.m.
Went to see Lost in Translation today. I read a review on it about 6 weeks ago and it sounded great. It has been nominated for Best Picture, Best Actor and I think Best Director?

We have a traditional movie theatre near us. It's not flash, like the chain cinemas, but I can see a movie for $4! They have awesome popcorn and frozen cokes, so $9 later I am very content.

I loved the movie! I have one question though - What do you think he says to her at the end??


David the Artist
Monday, Feb. 02, 2004 - 11:03 p.m.
At Rubicon today, I printed out some of David's artwork on their colour printer. He has done about 30 amazing pictures on the computer. I have used them to create some 2004 calendars, bookmarks and fridge magnets which have come out beautifully!

He has given them the most apt and amazing names. One picture he has simply called "Life". Everyone who sees it has a different interpretation. Others are called "Leg and Two Hands", "Almost Symmetry" and "Eye Lock".

I will laminate them next weekend and then distribute them to family and friends. I would love to print them all out and frame them - make a collage on my blank lounge room walls.

I don't know where he gets his creative talent from. I have no artistic ability whatsoever! I don't really mind, considering I'm so good at other things, but occasionally I would like to have an inate sense of what colours go and placement of objects in non-symmetrical balance.

I guess the autism might be a factor?

Regardless.. I am so very proud of him and his drawings amaze me.


2IC = Second Ignorant C*nt
Monday, Feb. 02, 2004 - 10:18 p.m.
Went to work at Rubicon again today. For the uninitiated, I created a 13 user database for them four years ago. It tracks all their architectural drawings and the distribution of same, plus contains the contact information of their 900+ suppliers, subcontractors, clients and consultants. I guess the difference between a subcontractor and a consultant is that the first actually does something, whereas the latter just talks about it and eats pastries in the boardroom.

Today I finished a three day migration for two machines running XP whilst the rest are on still on 98. The stupid XP users opened and converted the db into Access 2002 despite the BIG warning at the beginning which says something like "If you convert this, users on Windows 98 will NOT be able to open the file". Yet they still open it? Thank God for my project skills which created a list of Assumptions way back last century which stated that if they upgraded the operating system or the application there would be an additional charge to convert it. The boss, Richard, rang me three months ago "demanding" that the db was broken and I was to fix it for free! HAH I said and shoved his signed Assumptions list in his... face. Three days on consulting salary they are again fully operational.

This company has been through oodles of staff since I've worked there. Three admin positions have turned over 11 staff. Reasons include low pay, low appreciation and high sexual harrassment. The 2IC is an arrogant, sexist pig who only employs sexy dumb blondes in his Exec Sec position and wonders why they can't do the work? So anyway, two of the current admins were having crises and threatening to quit today. I talked to them about their options (having dealt with the company for four years) and for my trouble I was told by aforementioned wanking 2IC to "stop fraternising with the other staff".

The issue for them is that I don't need this job! Australian welfare very kindly pays me enough money so that I can study, and parent without working. Sure, it's nice to get extra money when it's offered but not at the detriment of my usually low stress level and not if the attached string is being fucked over by a middle aged, self-important tosser! They cannot and will not get an Access programmer for the low price I charge and even if they did it would take someone else months to track my design and understand my methodology. Yes, I documented it all - I'm not vindictive - but four binders full of process is still going to take a while.

So I say to you, 2IC wanker, fuck you. Be nice, or pay the price.


Same Shit
Saturday, Jan. 31, 2004 - 10:54 p.m.
I bought a cordless phone yesterday! I have always wanted one - never had one - could have bought a basic model a couple of times but decided that I would wait until I could get the one I really wanted. So I did. It is the Panasonic KX-TC1230 and has number storage, caller ID, answering machine, pager etc. I don't know how to use it yet, and have hung up on three people so far! Despite being a natural with computers (particularly software) I have always been hopeless with phones and other electronic stuff like TV's and videos. Luckily Paulette is really good at that stuff so she comes around and helps me.

I installed my old internal modem into Paulette's machine today. I know a little about hardware (not that an internal modem is difficult) but I don't enjoy doing it! I am paranoid about static and always worry about blowing a machine up. At least with software the worst case scenario is a format c: Luckily it went smoothly and I was able to teach her the little I know. With her practical electronic mind she is suited to doing hardware and I honestly think she should head in that direction as a possible career move.

I am SO tired. Haven't done much today but I've just taken some aspirin for a nagging headache. I try hard not to whinge about the heat. As discussed in a previous thread, my view is that I choose to live here and therefore shouldn't complain about the temperature because, quite frankly, I could just live elsewhere. But today was ridiculously hot and that's probably where the headache came from.

David's Nintendo 64 console stopped working today. It is a really difficult situation because it is the only material thing his father ever gave him (without pawning it a couple of weeks later). He knows that I will probably buy him a Nintendo Gamecube for his birthday (Feb 26) but that won't heal the scar of "dads present" finally packing in. I guess I will have to keep it always, packed in a box somewhere and give him the option of throwing it out if and when he is ready.


Fight Club
Saturday, Jan. 31, 2004 - 1:08 a.m.
I had forgotten what an amazing and powerful movie Fight Club was. I just found this quote site and am now determined to see the movie again.

"I see the strongest and the smartest men who have ever lived... and these men are pumping gas and waiting tables." ~Chapter 19


Evening at Dimity's
Friday, Jan. 30, 2004 - 11:50 p.m.
Just returned from dinner with Dimity. She is the friend that I met in the refuge and has finally decided to admit she is an alcoholic and go to AA. After three years on the waiting list she has been granted community housing. I must admit that when I found out I expected it to be a small unit in a block of 30 or so. It was instead a lovely townhouse, bedrooms upstairs with front and back courtyards. The building itself is quite old (70's style I think?) but very tidy. A number of revelations came out of the night.

1. The welfare and community housing available in Australia is astounding. She pays $130 per fortnight (two weeks) for her subsidised housing. This compares with my $165 per week (private rental) even though we earn the same on welfare and the accommodation is on par. I could apply for it too, and would be eligible up until I finish my degree which is the length of time I would be on the waiting list so it's not worth it. Besides, David would not handle moving.

2. Dimity is so much calmer and grounded these days. I can only put it down to being on the wagon. This made me realise the impact that alcohol can have. Only once have I ever seen her consume alcohol, yet she seems a different person. Does this mean that she was drinking it secretly, or was it the frequent consumption that was changing her demeanour even thought she wasn't drinking when I was there? Maybe it's just the "hold" and/or cravings for it that previously made her highly strung and erratic?

3. We were talking about her new flat and the rent she pays. Dimity was saying "This will be my place for life" and I asked how that could be? I assumed that she was able to use it whilst she was a sole parent with a child under 16 and/or on the pension. She then said "Oh no, I will always be eligible to live here. You're only kicked out if you earn over $1000 a week!" Her eyes were large as if this was a huge amount of money and completely unattainable by herself or anyone she knew. The bizarre thing for me was that she is undertaking tertiary study this year, starting a Diploma Community something-or-other and then transferring it into a Bachelor next year. Does she honestly have no concept of salaries? I expect to earn $45K-$60K my first year out of my degree, which is only in 2 years.

We had takeaway for dinner (my shout) and then spent some time in a video arcade with the kids. They had a dance machine! Not quite a DDR (my favourite) and this one was much harder because it had coloured squares instead of direction arrows, but it was still fun. We earned tickets on the knock 'em games and then cashed them in to buy the kids a plastic frog and lollipop each. I believe that it's these cheap, infrequent fun times that kids remember from their childhood far better than frequent, expensive monetary gifts which some parents use to compensate for not spending time with their kids.

All in all a good time was had by all. David finds it difficult to deal with Ryan, Dimity's 6yo son, but it's good for him! Ryan can be annoying, granted - he talks constantly using the most atrocious grammar and no manners whatsoever. These two particular verbal traits just send my autistic son into a cold shiver and he spends the whole time correcting him and rolling his eyes, to no avail! :D


Sexuality Misconception
Friday, Jan. 30, 2004 - 3:08 p.m.
I sent an email to the "new" guy last night which turned into a long discussion about our sometimes warped concepts of our value. It started from a comment in his email saying that he wasn't looking for "T and A" when he was looking through the personal ads but merely to expand his circle of friends. I know this can be a way of saying that he's not interested, but the rest of the email suggested otherwise.

Regardless, I wrote the following:

"I guess when I opened the account I was seeking attention if that makes sense? I was feeling a little insecure sexually and thought it would be a way of connecting with people to chat with. Sometimes it's society and sometimes it's family/friends/spouses, but I believe we sometimes believe there is only one interesting thing about ourselves and we tend to focus on that. I was once told that I was good at sex and a part of me turned that statement into "it is the only worthwhile thing about you". Don't worry - I'm not fishing for compliments - but this is where my head was at when I opened my aff account. I have since done some work on my head ;) and realised that it is far down on a list of fantastic things about me. I am not looking for sex either. I have stopped believing that I have to discuss my sexual preferences and exploits with a man for him to be interested in what I have to say. Talk about finally growing up! I am, however, always open to the possibility of meeting new friends. Since leaving my marriage three years ago I have slowly built up a small but loyal and wonderful network of friends. Most of these are women for three reasons. Firstly because I tend to meet other mothers through my son, and secondly because I didn't have very many gfs whilst I was married (won't bore you with the reasons). I have therefore made a determined effort to do so. Lastly, it forces me to put forward non-sexual attributes of myself on offer for friendship, whereas with men I would habitually place my sexuality on offer believing that to be my worth."

Well there's a window to my soul isn't it?!


Surely Not SE?
Thursday, Jan. 29, 2004 - 9:53 p.m.

Windows 98:

A 32-bit patch for a 16-bit GUI shell running on top of an 8-bit operating system written for a 4-bit processor by a 2-bit company who cannot stand 1 bit of competition.

Scary Parenting
Thursday, Jan. 29, 2004 - 9:29 p.m.
Another good day databasing. I just get so involved in the process and see so much I want to do with it! I guess it's the same with any trade or skill - your own is an unfinished work which continues to haunt and bug you. I see that with Clare - she is a brilliant artist - both on the computer and in 'real' mediums like paint etc. I think her work is fantastic and amazing but she never seems to be happy with it. My database is the same - I get distracted everytime I work on it because there is so much I want to do with it.

David is enjoying school so far. It's so hard to know what to say when they complain about other kids. He said that this one boy said that David's favourite TV show was babyish and that hurt his feelings. So now I'm caught between saying "I'm sorry your feelings were hurt. It is okay for you to enjoy any kids programs. Everyone is different." or saying "Well he probably didn't realise that it would hurt your feelings, maybe he's just a bit unsure of the new term." David always accuses me of taking the other person's side, which I suppose I do. * Sigh * I just wish I could look into the future (e.g. when he's 19 and then 30) and be assured that he will be happy. If I knew that I was doing the right thing I would relax more. It is so scary being a parent - everything I say and everything I do will impact him in some way. Catch is, I don't know whether it's positively or negatively until it's too late!

I've posted this before, but I think it's applicable here too:

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." -- Maya Goldstera


Wondering ...
Wednesday, Jan. 28, 2004 - 8:31 p.m.
OMG I'm checking my inbox for mail from this new mystery man?! It has been SO long since I've cared about getting email from a "potential". I guess when Wayne was alive I knew that I could never had a relationship because he would destroy it, but now I'm REALLY interested! That's ridiculous! Who believes in profiles? My friend Glennjamin wrote in his diary recently about the catchphrases to avoid when reading match profiles. I won't link because I don't have his permission but it was funny!

This guy's picture was great, and there were parts of his profile that I liked - "Ideal Person: Like to meet unstressed, down to earth, honest, sociable people who can be mates first. We can go anywhere from there. " and also "Look forward to catching up with you, worst luck we'll both make a new friend!"

This is bound to go belly up, but it still feels good to be in the loop again.

* shrugs pessimistically *


Work and Email
Wednesday, Jan. 28, 2004 - 8:18 p.m.
It's been a while, I know, but the storm played havoc on my modem. It didn't actually blow it up like Clare's and Paulette's but wonderful XP did something or other. Then my proxy settings reset themselves so I had to do that as well. Is that enough excuses for not writing?

David is next door playing Die Hard Vendetta with Craig. Gives me a few minutes break to do things ... like update my diary!

Did a day's database work today. It was great to be back in the office earning money - I surprised myself with how much I remember. I love it when my knowledge comes naturally and considering I designed this database two years ago when I didn't know that much I am really proud of the efficient design. Even now that my knowledge has increased, there is not much I would change so that's a good sign.

Received an unexpected email reply from a personal ad I placed two years ago when I thought internet dating was for me. He seems similar in thinking to me, talking about avoiding negativity and that hating takes too much effort. I replied to his email so we will see what happens.

I guess my life is pretty boring if that's all I can write about about four days! That's not a bad thing - a life without drama is a manageable one. :D


Sunday, Jan. 25, 2004 - 1:11 a.m.

I have just read on a forum about a heavy metal group who have the most despicable lyrics to their songs that I have ever read!


A list of the lyrics can be found here, on the forum where I first read them. [CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT CONCEPTS]

I have posted my disgust at these lyrics on that forum thread (see response by Aussie_Girl on page 2). Why don't we, as parents, do something?! What type of people will our children become if we condone this?
