Life Goes On

First Entry
2003-10-04 - 11:42 p.m.

Well after everyone else seems to have an online diary I figured I may as well have one too. Not sure if anyone will be allowed to read it 'cause I actually want to freedom of bitching about them so maybe I won't.

I have the other group of course but that's a whole different world which I don't particularly want to mix with my normal stuff.

I'm sure this whole diary thing is just a procrastination to get out of Uni work. We have so much that is due that I feel sick :(

So Rob's pissed at me for giving him advice about that stupid girl he was seeing and then he dumps her and now she hates him and he thinks that my fault? WTF? Idiot.

Going now to see how this first entry looks. Aim is to make diary more interesting for others.
